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Professional societies
Professional and scientific societies as well as industry trade groups
perform many functions,
among which are: to encourage dialog among peers in the profession,
and between professions; to promote a profession or industry through public
awareness; to establish and uphold professional standards through
continuing education programs; and, in some cases, to serve as a legal
regulatory body for the profession. (Typically, industry and trade groups are made up of corporate members, while
professional and scientific societies are made up of individuals, although
the distinction is sometimes a fuzzy one.)
There are many professional societies involved in various aspects of
radioactive waste and environmental management. Almost every country with an established nuclear
program has some form of a "nuclear society", "radiation protection
society" and/or "engineering society". Also, many other marginally related learned societies express opinions
concerning nuclear matters.
Links to many of these are
provided below.
Note: Some web sites may not be in English. See index here for language codes, such as JP / EN .